Bulbul Apps

Interactive Stories for kids

For Preschools, Publishers, OTT

No 1 Kid's App in 16 countries


At Bulbul Apps we developed a software BULBUL STUDIO - A tool to create quality content Faster & Cheaper. Using Bulbul Studio, a library of 1000+ stories is created by worlds best artists and curated by seasoned academicians.

I helped Bulbul Apps to shape their product and managed the design of the web application and mobile applications for Clients (preschools across the world.)

Website Design

Platform Design

Designed this content creation platform where the artists and academicians work together on creating interactive stories and activities.

Using Bulbul Studio we can create 20 different types of activities for kids to improve various skills with deep insights into child's learning progress.


Design System

With the help of the team I created a Design system to maintain consistancy across mobile and web applications. This helped us to get all the design assets and components for designers, developers at one place.

Design System

1.2 million Kids across the world are growing with Bulbul Apps content.

More than 200 Pre-schools use the content and the application